reinstate your aircraft

You Can Reinstate Your Aircraft

When you own a car, you know you are responsible not just for following the rules of the road, but for making sure your vehicle has all the proper documents together all the time. This means getting it inspected, having insurance, and having a valid registration. Without an active registration, you cannot operate the vehicle. The same is valid with the airplane that you own. The aircraft not only needs to be safe, and you need your pilot’s license to fly it, but you also need to keep the registration up, so it is legally allowed to be in the air. While we all may forget about paperwork occasionally, if you let your plane registration lapse, you cannot just renew your registration to get it going again. However, you are not stuck either. You can reinstate your aircraft by filing paperwork with the FAA so you can fly again.

Getting Your Aircraft in the Air Again

The FAA understands that there may be a reason why a plane does not have active registration. Whether it is because you forgot or are late filing, or the plane you have has been out of commission for a while and you just now have done repairs and gotten it back into flying shape, you can get the paperwork to the FAA for reinstatement. While renewal takes place every three years, if you overlooked it or it has lapsed, you will need to file a reinstatement form and pay the appropriate fee so that your registration can be reactivated.

The Right Form to Reinstate

When you are ready to reinstate your aircraft, you will have to track down the right FAA application.  Some owners have trouble with this because it is not always easy just where to find the form. Also, once you find the form and download and print it, you may have trouble filling it out with the correct information. The form is not as self-explanatory as some would like, and mistakes can be made. To top it all off, you need to mail everything – your application, supporting documents and payment information – to the FAA. This can be a security risk for you, and you have no way of knowing if it reached its intended target until you get your reply.

Airplane Reinstatement

Aid to Reinstate Your Plane

If you know you must reinstate your aircraft so you can have valid registration again, the right decision to make is to come to us at the National Aviation Center. We are an outside company that assists owners with processing to the FAA. We provide all the forms you may need for registration, including the reinstatement form, on our website so that you can access and fill them out online. Our system is safe and secure, and you transmit everything to us in just minutes. Our staff looks your information over to ensure it is correct before we send it to the FAA for you. In no time at all, you can get your registration back so you can get out and fly again.