airplane renewal

What You Need For Airplane Renewal Of Documents

As the owner of an airplane, it is likely that you are extremely busy, and as with most busy people sometimes it is easy to overlook things such as documentation and paperwork. Even if you think that you are completely on top of everything, sometimes you can leave important things such as airplane renewal to…

how to fill out an aircraft registration

The Definitive Guide on how to fill out an Aircraft Registration Form

There are quite a few forms on our site. Some of them are easy to fill out, some aren’t. Many people find filling out forms to be a simple activity, the kind of thing they can do while only somewhat paying attention. Others may struggle with it, even while they’re focused intently on the task…

airplane database

The Airplane Database: More than Just Tail Numbers

One of the main questions people ask us about the airplane database is: why? Why does the FAA maintain this database? Is it really necessary? After all, for all of the comparisons, planes aren’t really that much like cars. The odds of someone breaking into your car and stealing it, thus necessitating it being tracked, are quite…

what you need to know before buying an aircraft

What You Need to Know Before Buying an Aircraft

Owning an aircraft is practically everyone’s dream. When you finally achieve it, you will realize that there is much more to it than just flying and maintenance. In this article, we strive to guide you through the entire aircraft purchasing process. From the FAA registry inclusion to aircraft re-registration, we will cover everything you need…

how does the international registry affect aircraft titles

How Does the International Registry Affect Aircraft Titles?

If you’re an aircraft owner, you surely know about the significance of the title search and the importance of your airplane being in the FAA database. Without the FAA Airplane Registration, you are prohibited from flying within the US. However, there are far more challenges if you want your airplane(s) to fly internationally. In this…

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Registration Tips (Part 2)

When you’re in the stages of aircraft registration there are more than a few regulations and rules you will want to be aware of. There are also some things you should avoid doing (or at least be aware of) about the certification process. As you may already know the aircraft certificate of registration is a…