aircraft registration

Aircraft Registration Eligibility & Answering Your Questions

Aircraft registration: it’s important to do it. But, it’s important to do it right. This is a form you have to complete before you can fly your American plane. That said, before you do it, you want to be 100% certain that you’re eligible to do so. While it rarely is an issue, the top…


AC8050-1 – The One Form You Need to Get Started

Is it time to register your aircraft but you don’t know where to begin? AC8050-1. That’s where it all starts. That’s the number for the “Aircraft Registration Application.” Or, as we call it on our site, “initial registration.” Here at the National Aviation Center, we’ve made it easier to fill out the forms to register…

aircraft initial registration

Kicking the Tires on Your Aircraft Initial Registration

Have you gone to all of the trouble to get your aircraft, but aren’t sure how the registration process works? Are you about to take off with your plane and realize that there might be some paperwork you haven’t completed? These questions are natural, common, and perfectly understandable. You didn’t get an airplane only so…

aircraft registration list

What a Spot on the Aircraft Registration List Entails

You have plenty to worry about in your life. Between everything involving your job, your family, your airplane, and everything else, the last thing that you have time for is to be concerned with the legality of your aircraft’s registration. We designed the National Aviation Center to help busy people like you to take one…

aircraft registration form

How To Fill Out An Aircraft Registration Form Correctly

The first step in owning an aircraft in the US is to have the plane registered with the FAA. For a few months, even drones had to be registered with this Authority, and no matter how large or small your airplane, it must be on the database. When you first download the registration documents, you…

reinstate aircraft registration

When and How to Effectively Reinstate Airplane Registration

Has your airplane registration expired? Even though you may have written it down and done your best to remember, did you not send in your renewal before the deadline? Few just intend for their aircraft registration to lapse. While this isn’t something that aircraft owners typically want to happen, it does not have to be…