form 8050-98

Requirements for Filing Out Form 8050-98

There are countless different forms that aircraft owners have to deal with in relation to their planes, their financial standing, and their registration with the Federal Aviation Administration. Because of this, there might often be a lot of confusion in regards to some of the more specific ones. They each come with their own requirements,…

airplane airworthiness certificate

Airplane Airworthiness Certificate: Staying Afloat

At the National Aviation Center, we make it so that you can register your aircraft easily. When you have to renew this registration or re-register it, you can do so simply at our site. We know that many of these forms sound similar, but they aren’t the same thing. For example, even knowledgeable airplane owners…

aircraft online security code

Aircraft Online Security Code and What to Watch For

When you first hear about it, the “aircraft online security code” sounds great. It sounds like the kind of thing that only certain pilots get assigned as if only the lucky, chosen few get the opportunity to have an aircraft online security code. This security code can be quite helpful, but there are also times…

aircraft transfer of ownership

Beyond Air craft Airworthiness Certificate

An air craft airworthiness certificate is what it sounds like: a Federal Aviation Association document that gives authorization for someone to operate an aircraft while it’s flying. You can get one of these certificates if you are the registered owner of an aircraft or if you’re an owner’s agent. That being said, there are two kinds…