
aircraft registration list

What It Takes to Get on the Aircraft Registration List

The “aircraft registration list” is another name for the FAA database. One question we encounter quite a bit is: “who can register an aircraft?” This might seem like a question with an obvious answer (“the owner of the aircraft”) but it’s actually much more complicated than that. There are actually many laws that are very…

airplane renewal

Airplane Renewal Without Crashing

Getting your airplane renewal shouldn’t be difficult. Unfortunately, for many airplane owners it is. You might miss when the renewal forms get there, which could be enough to make you forget about the entire thing. After all, aircraft registration renewal isn’t the kind of thing that folks spend every waking moment thinking about. At the…

plane security agreement.

Ways to apply for an Airworthiness Certificate

To the layperson, an “airworthiness certificate” sounds like just a regular “aircraft registration,” but they’re actually two very different things. This is one of the more common questions we get at our site. After all (as many argue), isn’t that what aircraft registration should ultimately do: determine whether or not an aircraft is airworthy? This…

replace your airplane certificate of registration

Replace Airplane Certificate of Registration without Being Grounded

When you have an airplane, you have seemingly millions of things to take care of. Between the upkeep of the airplane, all of the bills, and everything else that’s going on in your life, it’s a lot to keep track of. Things happen, and sometimes events don’t go away. It’s perfectly understandable that some folks…

how to fill out an aircraft registration

The Definitive Guide on how to fill out an Aircraft Registration Form

There are quite a few forms on our site. Some of them are easy to fill out, some aren’t. Many people find filling out forms to be a simple activity, the kind of thing they can do while only somewhat paying attention. Others may struggle with it, even while they’re focused intently on the task…