faa change of address

FAA Change of Address and More

If you’ve been going through our site, you probably notice that we have many of the FAA forms that you may need for your aircraft. That includes the Registration, Renewal, and more. However, there are some other forms on our site that people may not be aware that they need. We made it a point…

airplane registration

Airplane Registration: Airworthiness Certification

A “Certification of Airworthiness” may sound a bit redundant: after all, isn’t every kind of aircraft registration a certification of airworthiness? However, this particular kind of certification is very important. In fact, it’s one of the basic reasons that the Aircraft Registration Branch of the FAA exists. As they say on their site, one of…

the faa database

All About the FAA Database

It’s important to have your aircraft in the FAA database. Without the proper registration and documentation, your aircraft could be grounded. That can make all the difference between getting on a crucial flight in time and missing it entirely. We’ve made it so that you can get your information onto the database simply. As the…

faa registration renewal

What Happens if You Miss FAA Registration Renewal?

If you own a plane, you know how important your FAA registration is. Maintaining this registration is important, because it means that you can fly legally. However, sometimes things come up, you get busy and maybe forget, and renewal may just slip your mind. The FAA wants you to get your FAA registration renewal. As…

Facts about Airplane Registration

Little Known Facts about Airplane Registration

Airplanes are one of the most recent forms of transportation. By that same token, airplane registration became mandatory more recently than most people might think. For example, according to the FAA, registration of an airplane didn’t become mandatory until the “Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938.” At that time, in their words “provided for recording of…