In order to fly your aircraft legally and in good standing with the Federal Aviation Administration, you will first need to register it with them. This means filing a form for aircraft initial registration, which you can do here on our website. However, it is worth pointing out that there are different ways to receive your registration depending on the specific circumstances under which you are applying for it. Here we’ll go over some of these situations so that you can confidently begin the right process for you and be up in the air in no time.
What is an Aircraft Initial Registration Form?
When we are talking about aircraft initial registration, it’s important to remember that the airplane in question can’t have been previously registered. This needs to be a new aircraft that is being registered with the Federal Aviation Administration for the first time. If this is indeed the case for you, you will need to fill out the initial registration form you will find on our home page. This will involve inputting all the relevant information about the aircraft, including the manufacturer, the model, and the serial number, as well as your personal information as an applicant. Don’t worry, our site is continuously protected with SSL encryption meant to safeguard your personal information. Once you are done with the information, all you will need to do is pay for the application fee and your registration will have been submitted.
What isn’t an Initial Registration?
So, if that’s what constitutes an initial registration, what doesn’t? Well, there are plenty of different cases in which you will have to opt for another form. For example, if your registration is expiring soon and you would like to maintain it, you need to submit the renewal form. On the other hand, if it actually expired, you will need to restore it with the help of the re-registration form. Those two are fairly obvious, but what if you are buying an aircraft from someone else. It’s new to you, sure, but the previous owner probably had it registered already. In these cases, the seller will have to submit a transfer of ownership form that will give you ownership of the aircraft. Whether or not you will have to register the aircraft will depend on the seller’s own standing in regards to their registration.
Get Your Aircraft Initial Registration
Are you trying to submit your aircraft initial registration? Are you unsure about exactly what form you need to send out? Well, regardless of what part of the process you are struggling with, don’t worry, because our team here at the National Aviation Center is ready to guide you through every filing process. Don’t risk making mistakes in your forms or having to deal with the bureaucracy of the Federal Aviation Administration. We can be there every step of the way. Should you need some additional help with any of it, don’t hesitate to use our website chat, fill out our contact form, or give us a call at 1-800-357-0893 and we’ll answer your questions in no time.