airplane database

The Airplane Database: More than Just Tail Numbers

One of the main questions people ask us about the airplane database is: why? Why does the FAA maintain this database? Is it really necessary? After all, for all of the comparisons, planes aren’t really that much like cars. The odds of someone breaking into your car and stealing it, thus necessitating it being tracked, are quite…

airplane tail numbers

Airplane Tail Numbers Explained in Detail

Any pilot could tell you that no two planes are exactly the same. In fact, every plane is just a little bit different from the last. Aircraft registration reflects this, too. That’s why every plane has its own airplane tail numbers. Sure, some of the numbers are similar, but they’re all different – just like…

airplane airworthiness certificate

What Goes into the Airplane Airworthiness Certificate

One of the things that make aircraft documents so confusing is how similar some of the terms sound. For example, “aircraft registration” sounds just the same as “airworthiness certificate.” After all, the layperson might argue, how can an aircraft be properly registered if the FAA doesn’t believe it’s worthy of being up in the air?…